Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Ohh when do I get paid?

So, we shall see if I get paid this friday, or 2 fridays from now. This shall prove very interesting indeed. Still, all good.

I really want to get my own room. i will probably end up getting something near the university, which should be cheap. I'm not really interested in sharing a room, but hey, if it comes down to that, then just fine. I've been looking at Orange county craigslist.

I've been using HousingMaps to try to get a place. It's nice and friendly, and the most feature that I love, is the fact that everything is mapped, and I can see things by price range. it's nice. Anywho, the hardest part is having to e-mail people, and trying to get everything settled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

checking in from hilo, nice to see you made it ok...